as of December 31, 2024, and based on fair value unless otherwise noted
Portfolio companies
Top 10 concentration3
Portfolio Fair Value
Weighted average annual yield on accruing debt investments4
Senior secured investments1
$116mm / 5.9x
Median portfolio company EBITDA & leverage2
Non-accrual rate at FV
Security exposure

Sector exposure across top 10 industries

View important footnotes + disclosures
Note: Does not look through to FSK’s portfolio companies held solely in COPJV unless otherwise stated.
- Looking through to the investments in COPJV, senior secured investments total 72.7% as of December 31, 2024.
- Based on underlying Direct Origination corporate investments using most recently reported financial information and may include pro forma adjustments. Certain Asset Based Finance, Equity/Other and portfolio companies with negative or de minimis EBITDA are excluded.
- Figure excludes the impact of FSK’s investment in COPJV.
- Excludes the impact of the Merger. See FSK’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for additional information on the calculation of weighted average annual yield on accruing debt investments. On a GAAP basis, FSK’s weighted average annual yield on accruing debt investments was 11.3% as of December 31, 2024.
- Included within Equity/Other in FSK’s Quarterly and Annual Reports on Form 10-Q and 10-K, respectively.